Peter of Amiens

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Paris -- medieval -DAV- Peregrinus et Sanguis in Cinere

Peter of Amiens.jpg

Sobriquet: Cucupeter, Little Peter, Peter of Amiens and Peter the Hermit

Appearance: Despite nicknames and affectations like Little Peter, the preacher from Amiens is not a small man. Built like a peasant or perhaps a soldier, Peter is muscular and tan from spending most of his time out-of-doors. Like most men of the medieval age, he wears a beard and is probably in his later forties during the events of the First Crusade. A man with hazel eyes and scars on his face, Peter exudes a air of humility, piety, and wrathful righteousness. No one who meets him ever fails to remember the experience and his fiery sermons motivate tens of thousands of Europe's lowest classes to join him on a journey to Jerusalem.

Behavior: Peter is a man driven by his own zeal. A man almost literally burning from within with faith for his god, if not his church. Peter evinces the more violent elements of Christianity, righteous indignation with Jewish money-lenders, disgust with the corruption of the Church of Rome, and a hatred of the Muslim Turks. He is at one time, both compassionate for his fellow Christians and without mercy for those not of his faith. He is not an evil man, nor is he motivated by worldly gain or even ambition, but his blindness to all but his faith makes him a dangerous man to both his friends and his enemies. By unshakable faith and nearly unimaginable personal charisma, Peter will lead nearly fifty thousand men, women and children from the northern edge of Europe all the way to Asia Minor, a journey of some tow thousand miles and numerous countries. God wills it!


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