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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair -x- Simon Magus

Simon Magus.jpg

Sobriquet: Simon Magus or The Thaumturge

Appearance: In contrast to his legend, Simon Magus isn't particularly tall or imposing. Rather a small man in both height and weight, he is spare and wiry, giving the impression of speed and agility. This impression is correct, for Simon reacts to threats and opportunities with lightening speed. His supple hands are longer and more flexible than most men due to an extra knuckle on each finger and giving every gesture grace and alien fluidity. Simon's face is long and broad with a receding hairline that gives him a monastic appearance. He habitually wears simple brown robes, sandals and swathes his features with a plain brown prayer shawl. Around his waist he wears a tooled leather belt to which he attaches his implements of magic, including numerous leather pouches, ritual blades and a strange ivory amphora.

Behavior: The Thaumaturge is a consummate entertainer, while performing he rarely speaks except to make to make enigmatic pronouncements to punctuate his routine. Simon possesses the strange ability to hold the gazes of all whose eyes he meets. There is about the man, a strange feverishness that suggests madness or possession. Simon is best described as deliberate, every action is carefully considered and his self possession is nearly unshakable, but there are times when his gaze become hungry and at such times his self control seems fleeting.

History: Simon Magus was born under a now forgotten name in the early years of tenth century Denmark. Found as a child by a master of the Order of Hermes called Etrius, he was inducted into the House of Tremere in 928. He was raised to master under Etrius at the convocation of House Tremere during the consigning of the new Chantry, Ceoris, within Transylvania that would be its Domus Magnum in 980. From the beginning, Simon was a gifted if amoral student of magick, while quite adept at feigning the Christian virtues, he took after his master Etrius in regards to infernalism. However, where Etrius flirted with and dabbled in infernal magics, Mordblund devoted himself to the complete exploration of Hell's many arts.

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