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Paris -P-

Back in Ancient Egypt, in the Middle Kingdom Era, Nebneferptah was a Priest of Osiris whose curiosity about Death didn't go unnoticed. Japhet, Childe of Cappadocius, was visiting Egypt to request thaumaturgical help from the Hekau Nebet Bloodline: He (rightly) believed the egyptian sorcerers had secrets about the Magic of Death, and turned to the Vampire ones for his petition.

But Set wanted nothing to do with the other Antediluvians, let alone one if their Childer, and simply refused Japhet in his Temple. Japhet turned to the Founders of the Bloodlines. Each one refused his request, and in the end, Khentamentiu simply asked him to leave the Two-Lands and never to return: The Living of the Two Lands took care of their Dead, and they did not want interferance from any uncivilized (i.e. non-Egyptian!) creature. Japhet then asked for one favor: He had sensed for Nebneferptah thirst for knowledge for death, and he asked for Nebneferptah to be Embraced by him to become an ambassador.

Japhet didn't understand the isolasionism of the Childer of Set, and told Khentamentiu that by keeping contact, each Clan would learn to understand each other, in a spirit of brotherhood and friendship. Such a fervor for peace and friendship moved Khentamentiu, who accepted, to the condition that Nebneferptah would be Blood Bound to one Founder to insure he would keep Egypt's secrets secret. Sechat was chosen to become Nebneferptah's Domitor.

Thus the Priest of Osiris became the ambassador of the Clan of Cappadocius. His situation was frustrating: He loved Sechat, and yearned for knowledge, but the Founder of the Hekau Nebet, apparently ennamored with Set, never considered him beside a dangerous witness, and avoided him. And of course, she never unlocked for him the secrets of Senef Hekau, also known as Hekau Thaumaturgy.

Frustrated, his loyalty for the Egyptian Gods decreasing fast, he was contacted by the Baali. He was horrified by what they had asked him: By all accounts, the Childer of Set believed sincerely Set and the Founders of the Bloodlines to be Divine Creatures. He had talked with Wraiths who confirmed the fact that the God Osiris effectively ruled the duat! And the Baali somehow confirmed the fact: He had to spy for them, because they would send a Baali called Sutekh, so called God of Night and Darkness, which would Diablerize the God Set. For his help, Nebneferptah would be rewarded with knowledge and power. And it was so easy!

Some words here, some information there, and soon, he mastered three Paths of Magic. But Necromancy eluded him as no one was here to teach him beyond the Path of Mortus, and as Sechat refused to discuss magic, history or science with him. Thus, Nebneferptah coveted Sechat's power, and he asked for Sechat's Vitae, when Sutekh would have Set's one.

The problem is that the plan never occured as it was supposed: The northern Egypt was invaded by Easterners, and among them, Vampires of different Vampire bloodlines, like the Childer of Veddartha, Rakshasa, or Ashur. Sutekh used his powers of Darkness to immobilize the Torporing Set, but the God of Violence easily tore at the tendrils of Darkness, and, maddened by the knowledge Egypt had been invaded, decided to start his vengeance with this pitiful Childe of Lasombra by taking the Vitae of the Baali minion instead. And then Nebneferptah understood: Sutekh had been sacrificied, and Set, weakened by the Diablerie of the corrupted Vitae and Soul, was subdued by the Baali.

Nebnefertpah remained in the Delta, the Childer of Set apparently unwilling to risk the Final Death of Set, and fortifying their position in the South. When they understood, thanks to Saulot's help, that Set's Vitae would serve some Dark Ritual made by the Baali, they sent all their forces to the north, and by the 17th Century A.D., they had conquered back Egypt, and were walking past Palestine to destroy the Fortress of the Baali. It took them two more centuries, after sterile research, to locate Set's body and the center of the Labyrinth of Minoea. By then, Nebneferptah had fled Egypt, and heared about the Great Magics of the Childer of Set, as the waters of the Egean Seas, enraged by the eruption of the Santorini volcano, swept over Cretia.

Alone, he hid himself until a Baali found him once more: He had to remain Faithful, as the plan had been successful. And then, dire news came from Egypt, as Set punished his Childer for some mysterious wrong. By then, he had become a powerful magician, and he avoided the Vampires like the plague, but he decided to go to Set to offer his services as Sage and Magician. Set, after the destruction of the Hekau Nebet Bloodline, needed badly magicians for he knew the Followers of Horus would soon try to destroy him. Thus Nebneferptah served for some time the Dark God, aknowledging his secret corruption, and betrayed him when he omitted to mention the strength of the armies of Libya, led by Horus himself. He indicated Set and his lawful Childer the location of a secret place he had yet to explore, and Set went to the Dark Pyramid, which Nebneferptah knew to be a Temple of Apep: Thus, the corruption would be complete.

Centuries later, Nebneferptah the Cappadocian entered a secret Sect calling itself the Tal'Mahe'Ra, and he met there Sechat, calling herself Hecate of the Lasombra. Nebneferptah, still affected by the Blood Bond, but his soul corrupted beyond any possibility of Love, lusted for her Blood once more. He told her he was her servant, that his loyalty for her was total, and that her secret identity would remain secret, if she gave him the honor to let him partake it. Hecate let him live, and it was too late when Nebneferptah forged the proofs of Hecate's corruption by the desease Vicissitude.

Fleeing for her life, she changed her identity once more, this time using her newly increased Obfuscate to change her appearance. Nebneferptah, enraged that he couldn't diablerize her, hunted her all accross Europe under the identity of Khaibit, and in the end, with his Followers, Khaibit attacked her stronghold, in the north of Gaule.

His surprise was great when Hecate's followers appeared from nowhere and attacked his own followers and Childer. The fight was terrible, as lightnings fell on Vampires, as the dead came to the help of Khaibit to fight the magics of Hecate. But to no avail: Khaibit's power was not enough for a Godess who had lived thrice his own unlife. She destroyed him and reduced his body in a pile of bones and ashes. This was the end of Nebneferptah.

Hecate, wounded and exhausted, fled with the remains of what would become her Knights.

But the power of Nebneferptah was such he had survived: His mastery of Necromancy, of the Path he had created himself, as well as the Rituals he had used on his body, enabled him to call his Followers from beyond the Shroud, and his body remains were sealed in a underground cave he knew was a Wyrm Caern. With the Dark Vis emanating from it, and his own power, his survival was complete. His soul was brought back from the Underworld, and he entered Torpor in the ash and bones that had been his body.

Now, strengthened by the magickal power of Paris he had slowly corrupted to feed upon, as well as his followers, the Khaibit, Nebneferptah, also known as the Khaibit, bids his time, until he will be strong enough to awaken, and extract vengeance from the contemptuous Godess...


Well... When Khaibit/Nebnefertpah will awaken, his mastery over magic and his innate corruption will make him one of the most powerful creature to even walk in Paris. Streets of Paris will be red with Blood.

Appearance: Age: ~4000 Hair: N.A. Height: 1m66 Apparent Age: N.A. Eyes: Glowing Red Weight: 30Kg Date of Birth: ~-2000 Race: N.A. Sex: N.A. RIP: ~-2000 Nationality: N.A. Esprit:

Nebneferptah was a common mortal when still human. He kept this appearance in his undeath until he was vanquished by the magics of Meryt-Neith. Now, Nebneferptah is nothing more than a pile of bones whose sinew are slowing growing back under a mummified skin which is healing, too.

When he will be reborn, he will appear as an old, ravaged mummy with empty sokets where pinpoints of red light can be seen, only sign that a kind of conscience still inhabit this old cranium. Wearing black velvet robes similar to monk's clothing, his sight will be enough to frighten even a Brujah Elder in Frenzy...

Role Playing: Now, Nebneferptah is inactive, if not for the dreams he sometimes send to his fellow Khaibit.

When active, Nebneferptah will behave as a cold automaton with a dark intelligence, with twisted tastes for other's suffering and dellusions of power. The problem is that this mad thing has the power to do what he wants...

Notes: Nebneferptah is the ultimate evil born for ambition and greed, and powered by the madness bestowed by the Wyrm itself, as well as the Vitae of a now destroyed vampire bloodline.

It took many vampires of power to take him down the first time, and now, even the double would possibily fail against the power of this undead creature. His stats are not complete: Unlike Meryt-Neith who had talent and time to hone her power, Nebneferptah's power feeds on Paris' magickal potential as well as the power of the Wyrm: His original generation was 5, and while submitted to the full corruption of Paris Dark Vis (and Theti-Sheri's Rituals?) it increased to 4!

Actual Aim: To Awaken. To unite a strong army of corrupted creatures to fight his way to the control of Paris...


   These rumours exist only among a few Kindred of Paris. Most Don't even know, even even within those who know, most dismiss this as a silly nightmare of Alexis.
       Nebneferptah don't exist. (False... What? You don't believe me???)
       Nebneferptah uses Vicissitude to take the identity of a Vampire of Paris. (False)
       Nebneferptah is the Dark Side of Meryt-Neith. (False)