Seers of Chronos

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Cult of Ecstacy

These guys are crazy. Straight up. They see Time itself, and that breaks them. It never breaks any two in quite the same way of course. Some of them think the world is a safe zone, where dark things from outside can’t get to them (although the dark things are constantly trying). Others are convinced they are butterfly princesses from the Fae realms. Still others think that if certain things, like candles, are sitting near each other at the wrong angles, it will cause the ducks to turn purple, and we can’t have that, so for the love of all that’s holy, put them back! What they get in exchange for that insanity, though, is the power to see Time, to alter the flow of Time, and some of the most powerful ones can even stop Time. They are seers of visions (whether mad or not, these contain truth), chasers of dreams. Some find truth in mind altering substances, others in perfect solitude and deprivation. They share these visions as they need to with those that need to hear them (in cases, they actually show them to people, and that tends to leave a mark on the psyche of the people who receive the visions second hand). Contents [hide]


The Seers of Chronos don’t exactly have a history, because they aren’t exactly a combined single group. They are madmen and mystics, with a unifying tendency that all those who see time tend to get there by stepping slightly outside their right minds; some step further than others. They never really got together as a group until the first Council, which was spurred by a Seer (Sh’zar) spreading a vision throughout all the other proto-traditions and calling them together. They were lumped together as an entity because of their visions of the future, which suited them well enough. They had more or less been all doing the same things anyway, but they did formally adopt the Codes of Ananda as guidelines for themselves at that time. These were essentially a set of thought experiments to remind them how to achieve bliss as well as keep them grounded (at least a tiny bit) in their responsibility to help guide the future they can see into being brighter. In the Victorian era, they are careful not to be seen as too insane, as more than a few have been put into asylums. They tend to watch themselves closely and try to stay culturally “normal” so they don’t attract attention, but Victorian Britain offers plenty of vices for them to still lose themselves to without being defined as “other” by society; absinth, gin, opium, cocaine are all quite common, as is prostitution or otherwise premarital sex, so long as it isn’t flaunted. Philosophy

The Seers follow the Code of Ananda in pursuit of both reaching heights of Passions and keeping themselves grounded in reality at least enough to still be functional and useful. The Code of Ananda is: • Thou art miraculous: so are we all

• He who spits on his good right hand shall find the left one fails him in need

• Each gold coin yields two like it; each stalk given creates a bundle. Yet, each coin taken turns the rest to dross, and each bundle gone creates famine. Thus shall a Seer count his deeds.

• Some minds rest best asleep. Stir not those who would waken otherwise.

• Truths foreseen are not always truths.

• If a man (or woman) would rend anothers passions, let him be as one torn by wild dogs.

• Let each Seer account his own deeds and if those deeds should want for wisdom or kindness, let him be put forth to weep alone.

• Humor cooleth blood; Wrath spillith it.

• Even trees rent by lightning may grow new fruit.

• A fool feels no fear; a Sleeper remains shackled by it; a Master transcends it, yet recalls its wisdom. It is good to be afraid: it is folly to bow to terror.

All these bits of advice are generalized enough for interpretation, and certainly not all Seers know of them. They are there not as rules, but as helpful hints to guide a Seer to their own Passions without leaving a wake of destruction, either in themselves or in the world around them. Powers

Seers of Chronos gain access to these power trees innately. Time

Special: Those who take Time must take a Derangement. One must completely alter their outlook of reality in order to comprehend the flows of time and how to influence them.


   Level 1: Recovery (Self) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 2: Induce Passion (Mental) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 3: Paralyze (Status) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 4: Mind Ward – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 5: Rewind – Realm, Umbra, Gauntlet. 


   Level 1: Confusion (Mental) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 2: Derange (Mental) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 3: Conditioning (Special) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 4: Program (Special) – Realm, Umbra. 
   Level 5: Delayed Paradox (Self) – Realm, Umbra.