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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

Sorcerer Rambert.jpg

Sobriquet: Merchant of Dreams

Appearance: While Rambert is tall by medieval standards, just a little over six-feet tall, and weights a solid two-hundred and fifty pounds. The Merchant of Dreams was once a man of unremarkable physical prowess, but seventy years of sleeping half the day away has had an averse effect and he is starting to run towards fat. Despite a tendency towards corpulence, Rambert can still make love with ferocity and in times of danger, he can move faster and fight harder than most would credit him. Despite being born in Spain, Rambert hails from the far north-western corner of Iberia, a place where the Moors never managed to penetrate and so while he is dark of hair and eye, he is fair complected. He wears his hair long past his shoulders and maintains a well trimmed beard. In vestment, he prefers black robes trimmed in white, all the better to impress his customers with his powers over darkness and dreams. Unlike most sorcerers, he caparisons himself with relatively few baubles and often belts on a sword.



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