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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair

Mortal Æthelred.jpg

Sobriquet: The Hammer

Appearance: Æthelred is tall for an 11th century man, nearly six feet tall. He is young, but still a man at the age of 17 years. His bronze skin comes from his mother's people who hailed from the lands of the great Eastern forests. And his lean muscular form was borne of countless hours toiling at his father's forge. Like a Greek Adonis, a mop of dark curls surrounds a tan chiseled face with just a fringe of manly hair to adorn it.

Behavior: "The Hammer" is a quiet, thoughtful man, who watches and weights those around him, testing them as he would a piece of iron for the forge. He has learned patience at the forge, beating red-hot iron into useful and beautiful shapes, and while he is slow to anger, when provoked his wrath is terrible to behold. The Hammer has recently earned his sobriquet in battle, tested not just by mortal men, but by a wild white dire wolf. Inwardly, he fears that each time he takes up the hammer of war, he strays just a little farther from life of a blacksmith and towards a dark and blood future. Despite his misgivings, he trails in the wake of the only woman he has ever loved, the shrewish wise-woman Godiva of his home village, Wewelsburg.

History: On a hot summer day, in 1076, a Slav woman was found nearly dead just outside the village of Wewelsburg. The first to find her, was the village blacksmith who took her to be his wife when she was once again vigorous. They wed in the autumn and Æthelred was born the following summer. Blessed by summer solstice birth, the boy grew quickly and without flaw, from the moment he could stand, he wished to work with his father at the forge and took to the work as if born to do it.

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