04/01/2013 Brian's Take

From The World Is A Vampire
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So... I am in the shadowlands returning to Jamie, after finding Wehunt. She is in the middle of a ritual being cast by Maior, which is one of the scarier things I have seen recently, I wonder what he is doing. In retro spec, I am disappointed I did not at least try to capture Maior, I am not sure we would have had a better chance. But then I am most likely not on his radar either so....

I got to Angel/Yan, in the time it took me to step across he disabled one of 25:17, at least for a time. I regret that I could not choose sides on such a glorious battle but to many allies on both sides of the battle. I am happy I had a important tactical target. We rushed back to where Maior was casting his ritual, we noticed that he had not only guardians on the the hallway in the form of a Serpent of the Light and Warrior Salubri but a series of rituals designed to seal off the hallway. Yan figured out that the ritual was a very in-depth dream ritual, which I had guessed but he is better than me at dream magic. We choose to approach in the shadow lands and come across to grab our target and run. When we came across I almost instantly fell asleep. Yan was able to stake Wehunt and throw me across the room and out of the ritual's effect. I woke up as I hit the stone floor which was good because the stone started to form around me as I had tripped Maior's spell, I also saw the two guardians coming to clear the space.

I moved to the edge of the spell radius and then quickly formed a cocoon of air around myself. I now had a phone booth size of space to work in as the stone formed around me. I then used Wind to throw Yan out of the rituals grasp, I was surprised when he was half in and half out I tried to physically pull him out I started to fall asleep. I quickly pulled him all the way out as I blacked out. I woke to find Yan awake and suggesting that we increase the space. (not sure why I did not think about that) I then used the same tactic to get Wehunt out of the space. I was much less careful with her as we wanted her in Torper anyways. I reflect at this point that we should have done something to capture Maior, we had what seemed as a clear shot to stake him or intorper him but we were focused on the fight...

We melted enough stone to flee up and out of the ritual area, while also dodging the main fight with the Sabbet. We emerged into one of the train tunnels, which should not be running due to lack of power. We crossed over to the Shadowlands and prepared to take Wehunt to Enoch. I cast my ritual which should have been easy, but after about 20 mins of casting it started to go very wrong. I must have done something huge in error for it to go this wrong. I had to end the ritual without sending us into the labyrinth or worse. I managed it, Yan does not know how close we came to being trapped, maybe forever, in the deepest part of the underworld. The resulting release of energy's caused a backlash of barrow flame, we retreated(read ran like hell) from. We fled to the surface and found a different spot to try my spell again. It worked as intended this time and we were taken to Enoch. We presented our target to the Del'roh. We were given her so to be eaten by the person of our choosing, which was one of the more distasteful rewards I have been given. Yan choose to give her soul to the most worthy of her childer. Which I agreed with.

We split up and went our separate ways, I gathered myself and went to New york.