Job the Cut

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Paris -P- The Sabbat in Paris -P- [[]]

Sobriquet: Basil

Appearance: Job appears as a young teen, with clothes which should have been changed since long, and metal tipped boots. His short black hair, as well as his black eyes are typical of his viet-namese ascendancy, but his cold, fearless stare, as well as his sure behaviour, and his mania of playing with martial arts knifes and nunchakus can be almost as unnerving as his smile when he looks at someone he believes he should drink dry...

Behavior: Job is now considering his position, and to the contrary of his last years, has now fully accepted his destiny. He hones his skill to take as much as Tremere as possible before his capture, knowing he won't die before arriving at the Tremere Chantry.

So, Job is totally fearless, and unconcerned by the petty day-to-days, instead meditating to find inner balance. He became the object of the discreet attention of all the True Holy Avengers, who hope he will survive...

History: Job was a young Sino-american, born from a Vietnamese mother and an U.S. father, who brought the baby in the U.S. when his mother died in the war. Gary, despite his name, was seen as a Vietnamese, and as such, was never liked, if not openly beaten by his comrades at school.

One night, he was surprised by a car who stopped by him: Four guys exited with heavy chains and metal bars. Gary was beaten one last time, and left for dead in the streets. Or he would have if someone didn't have taken him and Embraced him in the following hour.

Despite his broken bones, and his little frame, Gary was among the ones who succeeded in resurfacing. And soon enough, he was sent as canon fodder against the local Camarilla. While the siege was a failure, Gary was a successful warrior, and he was soon accepted as a full Sabbat, and authorized to give his regards to his friends and their elder brothers, who almost killed him because of his skin.

Since then, Gary is always on the run, following war parties and sieges just to avoid inactivity. He even recently became Paladin for a Bishop in Detroit, before being called in Mexico.

His actions were impressive, told the Regent to the young Brujah. After much questioning, it was agreed Gary would have to prove his power to the Sect. He accepted immediately the proposition, and soon, Job was among the Neonates who would follow Hacen in Paris. The problem is that Gary not only survived the attack, but also killed a member of the True Holy Avengers. The others, capturing him, brought him to Raena Vykos, who saw the destiny of Gary: Like the Biblic Hero, Job, Gary would have to suffer, and finally be captured and tortured at the hand of the Parisian Tremere.

Gary was horrified. But Raena continued: This was but another test Destiny was weaving for him. The True Test. Her vision didn't tell her he would survive, and frankly, she didn't believe he would. But one never knows... If the reference to Job was true, and if Gary survived, then he would be given back to double of everything he had lost, and would make others suffer twice the suffering they would make him endure. She also foretold he would find Enlightment.

Gary was left alone, to think about his future, and instead of fleeing, he decided he would confront his destiny, and defeat it. Irony made him change his name into Job. No one laughed at that.

Raena smiled and offered him to join the True Holy Avengers.

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