Rego Temporus

From The World Is A Vampire
Revision as of 11:31, 2 March 2016 by Keith (talk | contribs) (Level 2)
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This is a proposed path that deals with time. I will be building this a little at a time.

Time's Dissonance - Level 1

This proposed example of level one would detect nearby or significant changes to the flow of time. But would use a visual cue like the level one power of The Hearth Path.

Aion's Pocket - Level 2

This power allows the user to take a small object (no larger than 5 pounds, 3' in radius) and slip it out of the time stream. The caster or anyone with the appropriate level of this path can pull the object back into the time stream at will.

System: The caster puts a blood point worth of blood on the object, then rolls Wits + Occult difficulty 6, and may put one small object outside the time stream for each success (a bag of coins, a pistol, and a phone with 3 successes).

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Reference Rituals

  • -- Steps of the Terrified -- Level 2 ritual for slowing a fleeing enemy. I never understood the value of this ritual as it is effectively useless, but as path power it could be amazing.
  • -- Eyes of the Past -- A level 3 ritual that lets the caster scry the past.
  • -- Curse of Clytaemnestra -- A level 5 that ages mortals to death.
  • -- Vires Acquirit Eundo -- A time related meta-magic ritual.
  • -- Sands of Time -- A level 6 ritual found in Chicago by Night that slows down a target.
  • -- Turn Back the Skies -- A level 7 Assamite sorcery ritual for exploring the past. {time travel}