Father Marco Cassano

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History: Nosferatu antitribu childe of 'Zacchaeus' a Nosferatu elder of Rome who wages an ancient and silent crusade against the Cainite Heresy. Marco was born in the late 19th century in the beautiful town of Cassano delle Murge, Italy. As a boy he loved the religious festivals and going to church, the boy was destined for the faith. As a child he became an alter-boy and served in that position until his decision to become a priest. His family was pleased to have produced a potential priest and encouraged his vocation. Marco became a priest in 1910 and moved to Rome to serve in the Vatican. That was where he first served as a spiritual leader to a Roman congregation and as a result met his future sire Zacchaeus, who passed himself off as an indigent but faithful beggar. The two struck up an immediate liking for one another and over the next fifty years they would remain fast friends. Marco as a parish priest would be regularly be reassigned to new parishes every decade or so and traveled all over the world. But, the letters of his friend Zacchaeus always found him, regardless of where the Church had sent Marco. Over the passing decades, Marco began to understand that his friend was something other than mundane, to have such a long lifetime. As an aging priest in his last decade of life, Marco returned to Rome to refresh his faith and speak to Zacchaeus. It was then that his friend told him the truth, not just about Cainites, but about a great many things. The decision to become a Nosferatu vampire was far from easy for Marco, it was a test of faith, but on his death bed, he did except the Embrace as a sacrifice to continue the good works of a true Christian. The last fifty years have seen Marco pursue a link between the Cainite Heresy and the Sabbat's paths of enlightenment; in order to learn more, he has become a member of the Sabbat and its in-house Inquisition.

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