Saturnino Silva

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Ghoul Saturnino Silva.jpg




History: Saturnino Silva was born into a poor and uneducated family of urban dwellers living on the fringes of Rio's slums, in other words, Moradores. He has dim memories of his father and mother who sold him to another family as a slave. His job was to hunt feral pets for the family meal, over time, he became frighteningly proficient at that activity. So much so, that when he was ten, he was sold again to a butcher, who gave him the unpleasant duty of digging through refuse mounds for morsels that could be made into sausage. While Saturnino quickly became proficient at this as well, the butcher beat him for the fun of doing so. When Saturnino reached adolescence, he rebelled rather spectacularly by slaughtering the butcher, chopping him up and grinding him into sausage to be sold the next day. His only regret in this, was that the butcher's death had been so quick, after all, once the deed was done, he knew he wanted to do it again. Over the last twenty years, Saturnino has killed a shocking number of people, not that he has kept track, but he does enjoy his chosen vocation. He moved from one group of Moradores to the next when he gets tired of them and he has eaten more than one group that didn't provide him with sport. He had only been with this most recent group for a few weeks and was already tiring of them, when the vampires showed up. Incidentally, he chose the last name Silva, because he liked the way it sounded when it rhymed with his first name.

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