Lore of Humanity

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Divine Host
The Lore of Humanity is all about reacting to and with mortal.

  • Translate

The Angel can understand and be understood by mortals, regardless of what language they each speak. May be evoked upon multiple targets. Lasts for an hour or so. Cannot be used to allow two mortals of differing languages to understand each other, this evocation only works with the angel and his target(s). Lasts for an hour or so.

    • Insinuate

This evocation causes mortals to instinctively regard the angel as a potential friend, allaying any initial feelings of distrust or suspicion and engaging their interests of her. Unless gifted with a angel's resistance to mind-control, thralls may also be affected by this evocation. Lasts an hour or so.

      • Fade

Angels using this evocation literally fade into the background. Mortal eyes simply pass over them unless the demons choose to call attention to themselves. Angels and demons (and thralls who have been gifted with the demon's resistance to illusion) are immune to the effects of this evocation. Lasts for an hour or so, or until the angel wills it to cease.

        • Confess

Mortals engaged in conversation with the angel respond to his questions with complete candor, telling the truth as well as they know it. Unless made aware of it later with direct questions about events, the mortal affected by this evocation does not remember the details of the conversation. Unless gifted with a demon's resistance to mind-control, thralls can be affected by this evocation as well. Lasts a minute or so.

          • Alter Memory

The angel is able to manipulate a mortal's memory, changing or removing any recollection of his dealings, or planting memories where none were before. Unless gifted with a demon's resistance to mind-control, thralls can be affected by this evocation as well. it is easier to remove or alter existing memories than it is to implant completely false ones. The effects are permanent, though obviously the victim may later discover his memories are false.