Western Alliance of Independent States

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North America

Western Alliance Map.PNG

Government of the Western Alliance of Independent States

The Western Alliance of Independent States (WAIS) is in form a confederacy. After the treaty of New Orleans the twenty states making up the WAIS came together and agreed that they would never form a republic like the old one of the USA. The diversity of the needs of each state and their inability to find a common agreed upon group of national leaders led to the the settling on a confederation system.

The Districts each nominated one member from each District to sit on the the original Council of Confederation. The first matter of discussion was where to seat the capital. Nevada was ruled out, no one wanted Sin City for a capital. Phoenix was seriously considered but the gang presence and violence in the wake of the war made it an unstable element. California with its port cities was a major contender, but the damage left over from the war would make using either Los Angeles or San Francisco difficult. The members of the Confederation council declared after much debate to name Denver the functioning capital of the WAIS. This was due to its central location (protection from invasion) and access to Cheyenne Mountain for defense.

Each state would elect 4 members from each state based on equal geographic space. In order to represent a quadrant from any state, said representative has to live in that quadrant and no other. From that body one leader is elected as Prime Speaker for the Alliance. After his or her election as Prime Speaker the quadrant of the home district where the PS is from holds another election to replace the missing representative. While this does not give equal demographic representation, it does prevent any one state from overwhelming the others. Each District has agreed to maintain one currency and open borders between Districts. National borders are strictly closed to foreigners except through a lengthy application process to enter. When a visa expires the Rangers (equivalent to the FBI) are designated to locate any foreign national still within the WAIS and escort them to the nearest border.

WAIS designated the Eagle as its base currency. The eagle is a coin stamped from a gold alloy. A hawk is stamped from a silver alloy, and is counted as half an eagle. Next comes the dove (made of nickel), and the starling (made of copper), starlings are colloquially known as droppings. An eagle counts like ten dollars, with hawks as a dollar, doves a half, starlings ten cents. As of 2028 the first Prime Speaker is elected, with the surprise being a woman, Bennedetto Mary Peto, a strong leader from the Dakota's who had distinguished herself in the combat there during the early winter of 2026.

District of Alaska

District of Arizona

District of Arkansas

District of California

District of Colorado

District of Idaho

District of Iowa

District of Kansas

District of Montana

District of Minnesota

District of Missouri

District of Nebraska

District of Nevada

District of New Mexico

District of Oregon

District of the Unified Dakotas

District of Oklahoma

District of Utah

District of Washington

District of Wyoming