Captain John Politz

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New York City -x- Torsten Metz‎

Name: John Politz

Sobriquet: Captain Jack or Jack

Appearance: John stands about 6 feet tall with dark hair and deep green eyes. He is usually dressed in very travel worn and dirty cloths that would be at home on any camping trip. He normally does not wear any kind of foot wear. He has a good number of scars from his time in Vietnam.

Background: John is first generation American, his parents imagrated from Poland in 1910 as sweethearts. Although not wealthy they had enough to buy a small Deli in New York. They ment for the shop to be a family affair but John had other ideas. He joined the US military at the age of 18 and left home. He excelled at every aspect of military life. He rose through the ranks and moved to special forces and became an officer. He had gift for both long range rifles (sniper) and for handling explosives he would be assigned to one of these on most missions depending on the need. His unit was almost wiped out in a black-ops mission in North Vietnam, John carried the only other survivor across the border through enemy lines. He was very badly injured and his wounds were infected. The other member of his unit died in the hospital a couple of days after coming back to base.

Johns actions were noticed by a Gangrel that was around the US forces. He was embraced and put into a coffin to be shipped home. As far as the military is concerned he passed-away about the same time as his unit mate. His awaking was delayed by his Gangrel sire in some manner and he woke two weeks later in his coffin. He dug his way out and covered the fact that he dug his way out of the ground and fled.

After a month living in the wild he figuring out what he was, and was found by another Gangrel who went over the basics and introduced him to Michaela. She allowed John to live in the city as long as he helped in the war with the Sabbat, which he did.

Personality: John is very quiet person but enjoys social settings. He has a strong dislike for anyone of Vietnamise decent which can cause problems in social settings.

Current Events: Six months have passed since John visited Sleepy Hollow. In that time he has been recognized by the new prince for his services to the Kindred of New York City, both during the Camarilla reconquest of the Big Apple and for his service to Micheala before the assassination.

Domain: Greenpoint, Brooklyn