Diklo of Anyara

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Named for Anyara Buyesti, a legendary master of disguise, this head scarf bestows the ability of disguise upon the wearer. When the owner of the diklo places the scarf on his head and expends on point of Willpower to activate its magic, the diklo grants the wearer an almost impenetrable disguise. The magic of the diklo affects observers senses, altering their perception of the Rom so that, no matter how long they stare at the Gypsy, they cannot later recall anything about his appearance. Even the gender and race of the Gypsy will be extremely difficult for an observer to recall.
the diklo's effect lasts for one scene. It can be used a number of times equal to the Draba skill of the creator. The diklo does not fool mechanical devices (e.g." cameras), but eyewitnesses can only recall the Rom's appearance on a Wits + Alertness roll (difficulty 9). For every success achieved, an observer can recall one detail about the Gypsy (e.g., gender, height, etc.).