Chou Shizuka

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Quebec City


Sobriquet: "Babe" or "That Hot Chick" when she is not paying attention. Chou(pronouced Cho) or Ms. Shizuka when directly spoken too.

Appearance: She is built as if conjured by the most beautiful example of Japanese women. She stands just over 5 feet tall, and has the slim but muscular build of a gymnast or dancer.

Behavior: Chou likes to move. She has a hard time standing still except when needed. Every move she does make is balanced and on purpose making her movement a joy to watch. She is in general quiet when around her Sire, but will speak in quick Japanese or Chinese to her sister when they are together without her sire.

History: Chou is an orphan of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima. She was very young and visiting with extended family when the bomb killed her parents and destroyed. As a community effort she was raised in a monastery from about age 4 till 19. Along with subjects like history, languages, math and philophsy, the monks noticed her love for movement and trained her on several martial arts.

She moved out into the world with a small amount of money to find what she wanted in the world. She was attacked repeatedly due to her age, size and looks. She easily fended off each of these attacks but was awakened to the darker part of the world. Like a moth to a flame she became attracted to it. She fell in love with a street leader

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