Bart Felkirk's Statistics

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Bart Felkirk

8th generation Gangrel, (raised from 11 through Diablerie) embraced in 1948 by Kennit Canus.
Sociopath / Autist
Independent Gangrel of Scotland, member of the Knights of the World Tree

Attributes:Str 3, Dex 5, Sta 5 / Cha 1, Man 2, App 1 / Per 4, Int 3, Wits 5

Talents: Expression: 1 / Alertness: 5 (ambushes, tails, shadows) / Athletics: 4 (sprinting, leaping) / Brawl: 4 (claws, wolf form) / Dodge: 4 (leap) / Empathy: 3 (spotting weakness) / Intimidation: 3 (creepy leer) / Leadership: 1 / Streetwise: 2 (urban hunting) / Subterfuge: 4 (playing dumb)

Skills Animal Ken: 3 / Drive: 4 (motorcycle) / Etiquette: 1 / Firearms: 3 (called shots) / Melee: 2 (stake) / Performance: 3 / Crafts: 3 (Trapmaking) / Stealth: 4 (stalking, approaching from behind) / Survival: 4 (Scottish Highlands, rural hunting) / Tactics 2.

Knowledge: Academics: 1 / Computer 0 / Finance: 2 / Investigation: 3 (Sizing up prey) / Law 1 / Linguistics: 2 (English, Scots Gaelic, French) / Medicine: 2 / Occult: 4 (Vampiric Weaknesses) / Politics: 2 / Science: 2 (emphasis on engeneering and materials) / Enigmas: 2 / Memory: 1 (diablerie victims) / Gangrel Lore: 4 / Glasgow Lore: 3 / Glasgow Secrets: 2 / Edinburgh Lore: 3 / Edinburgh Secrets: 1 / Gaoru Lore: 3.

Disciplines: Protean 5, Animalism 4, Fortitude 5, Potence 4, Celerity 2, Dominate 2, Presence 2, Auspex 1, Obfuscate 2, Chimerstry 1, Serpentis 1, Obtenebration 1.
Discipline Techniques: Shattered Fog

Backgrounds: Allies: 0 / Contacts: 2 / Domain: 0 / Generation: 4 / Herd: 0 / Influence: 0 / Mentor: 0 / Resources: 3 (stolen cash, in a series of bank accounts) / Status: Camarilla 1, Gangrel 1.

Virtues: Instinct 4, Conviction 3, Courage 5, Path of Orion 7, Willpower 8.

Derangements: Obsession with Diablerie (1 of 6 Willpower spent, Megalomania (0 of 8 spent), Fugue (0 of 8 spent)
Merits: maybe
Flaws: Dark Secret (second diablerie)


  • You are always looking for your next victim. The Sabbat siege offers the perfect opportunity to find one. It would be better if it was one of the Sabbat, and thus "safe," but being in the thick of things makes prey on both sides vulnerable.
  • Your fist victim was a Nosferatu. She was as young and naive as she seemed, but she was close to someone powerful and scary. If it gets out, you have a real problem.
  • Your second victim was a Sabbat Toreador from France. The faggot had some money, but you find yourself speaking French and staring at wierd shit from time to time.
  • Your Third victim was a Sabbat Lasombra pack leader. This one's going down hard - you are suffering blackouts and find yourself dressed like a fop from time to time (black velvets and silks).
  • You've heard of some ancient bitch named Tiamat who's supposed to be buried somewhere in the Highlands. Sounds like the perfect score: Generation without anyone to come looking for revenge.