Francesco Abandonato

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Black Spiral Dancers -x- Rio de Janeiro -x- Endron International

Black spiral dancer francesco abandonato.png

Sobriquet: Director Abandonato

Appearance: Francesco is a lupus Garou. In human form, he looks like an elderly Hispanic man of aristocratic descent. His gray hair is receding, and his sun-burned face is heavily wrinkled. Now in his middle sixties, Francesco has a few Gin-blossoms and is an obvious sufferer of skin-cancer. He has a thick, beak like nose and hard green eyes that seem to burn with anger. An all other forms, his green eyes glow with a hellish light and his fur is patchy, and smeared with toxic residue.

Behavior: Francesco, as with all who walk the Black Spiral, has a derangement: he will only eat the fresh meat of a still-living creature. He forces his pack to acquire his meals for him and uses his position within Endron to finance an endless supply of truly exquisite meals. Such daily feasts have hardened him against the pain and suffering of others. Francesco has the unquestioned loyalty of his hive, all of whom now serve Abhorra.

History: Some among his adopted tribe, the Black Spiral Dancers, believe he is a Silver Fang by birth, but the truth may never be known. Abandoned to the whims of the elements by his mother, Francesco survived feral and alone for most of his youth. Then came his First Change. Alone and unguided, he learned to control and even master his changing forms through sheer will.

After a time, Francesco chanced upon a Silver Fang Rite of Passage ceremony. He watched as the other cubs were put through extremely difficult and dangerous trials. By mimicking the cubs step-sideways, Francesco discovered how to negotiate the Gauntlet. But Banes awaited on the other side, slaughtering most of the Silver Fang cubs. Francesco fled back to the material world.

At the end of the rite, one cub, the son of a great lord, returned alive. Francesco, proud that he had also survived, even by fleeing, walked into the middle of the ceremony and said, "I, too, have survived the passage. I, too, killed the bad ones". The Silver Fangs looked in awe upon this strange cub who bore the marks of high breeding. But the other cub, angered at this rival, challenged Francesco.

As the two readied to fight, a tribal elder, the teacher of the young cubs, stepped forth. "This new cub is of noble birth. Tell us from which tribe and family you come." To this, Francesco could not reply. "At least tell us the name of your mother, and I will allow you to fight." Francesco said, "I was abandoned at birth; I have neither name nor tribe." This caused a great stir among the assemblage. The rival cub stepped forward and exclaimed, "Go! It is not your place to challenge me, tribeless wanderer!" Shunned, Francesco left the moot with great bitterness. He swore a terrible oath that night: "One day, he would enact vengeance on all Garou."

That same night, Abhorra - Wyrm of Hatred, came to Francesco's dreams in the guise of a radiant and terrible she-wolf. Abhorra offered Francesco the power he needed to extract his vengeance. When Francesco asked what she wanted in return for this boon, she replied: "Only your loyalty." To this, Francesco agreed.

Thus began Francesco's service to the Wyrm. The following night, he encountered a Black Spiral Dancer pack, which had followed omens sent to it by Abhorra, and Francesco was finally adopted into the company of other werewolves. The first word he uttered after dancing the Black Spiral was "Francesco," which became his name, as is customary. To this day, he wonders, however, what this truly means. Over the years, Francesco quickly rose in rank among the Black Spirals and has led them to many victories. He has become a fierce and infamous warrior.

In his service to Abhorra, Francesco attained a high position within Endron (and Pentex) and was present at that fateful board meeting in 1993 wherein several Board Members were killed. Seizing the opportunity, Francesco immediately nominated himself to fill one of the new vacancies on the Board of Directors. His nomination was seconded and accepted. Setting into motion a massive campaign of extortion, blackmail, kidnapping and bribery, Francesco quickly became the forerunner for a board position. Some of his more notable tactics were to enter the dreams of shareholders, searching for dark secrets, then buying their votes in exchange for keeping this information private. Francesco dealt with another rival candidate, a vampire, by sealing her in a lead coffin and dumping it into the North Sea after "convincing" her to sign over all of her shares to him. Similar attacks were made against him, but all failed. IN the end, he achieved his position on the board, coming in second in number of votes.

Francesco's exploits did not go unnoticed by existing Board Members. Harold Zettler was particularly impressed by the cruelty of Francesco's actions and has since become a staunch ally. However, the other Board Members were shocked at the prospect of a Black Spiral Dancer sitting among them. The combination of madness and rage is too unsettling for the boardroom, they argued. Most waited to see how well Francesco controlled himself; had he failed to control his Garou nature, he would have found himself in a battle against the entire board -- a fight he surely would have lost.

He has taken over Robert Allred's holdings and is thus responsible for the Amazon War effort. The board has high hopes that Francesco's greater understanding of the Garou will allow Endron to succeed on that front.

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