Random Musings
On Ghouling
So it's not like there's really a crisis here, but this is a long-term commit here. Seriously, we're talking about people, not pokemon cards. This might be odd, but I think what's happening is that I'm becoming potentiually protective - possibly even a little thoughtful. I mean really, what am I letting loose on the world? I've already got one ghoul who's been a 30-year companion, a childe who's only a little younger. The Addams Family dynamic might be upset if I bring someone else into the fold - and let's not kid ourselves, she'll be part of the fold - if not immediately, then (relatively) shortly. Perhaps it's a few centuries of biting off more than I could chew, but it seems in this life I'm more...cautious. Maybe it's because I've seen enough failed experiments. Maybe it's because I'm not sure how this fits into the master plan.
Really, that's the main thing here - I'm a painter who has no idea what's going to happen at the end of it - could be the Sistine Chapel, could be a Jackson Pollock, might even be a Andy Warhol. Now I'm starting to get an inkling of what the elders are like and why they're so damn paranoid - every splash they make resonates, and every connection they create is a potential weak point. Of course the flip side of that is if you wait too long, the moment of right action is lost. The cure for that is to think faster.
Back to the point, I believe ghouling Rebecca may be the right action here, if she's willing. I may revisit this section if I'm wrong.