Béatrice Fortier

From The World Is A Vampire
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Quebec City

Actual Age: Madame Fortier is 194 years old.

Appearance: Béatrice is attractive in a matronly and sturdy kind of way. Her African ancestry is obvious in her kinky hair and dark complexion which she adapts to each new decade with practiced skill. She manages to hide her muscular physique beneath the latest 'big-girl' fashions and lately, her police uniform.

Behavior: Béatrice is a master at performance and takes on roles that are stereotypical in nature to her ethnicity and the prejudices of those around her, and lately she has taken upon herself the challenging role of the 'big black woman cop with the harsh exterior and the heart of gold.' She often alludes to her family's poor background as slaves stolen from their native Africa, even though her mother was a privileged courtesan who spoke seven European languages. Publicly, she bemoans her inability to find a man who could love every inch of her big frame or launches into Ebonic cultural cliches with surprising believability. Its all necessary in order to keep track of all the sensitive information that passes through the Quebecois police department and not be suspected of altering or subverting the investigations or policies of her fraternal gendarmes.

Domitor: Prince Qadir al-Asmai


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