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Melee Weapons Damage Concealment Strength Requirement Notes
Hatchet (melee) Str + 3L jacket 2 strength
Hand Axe Str + 5L bulky coat 3 strength
Battle Axe Str + 6L not a chance 3 strength requires 2 hands

Blunt Weapons
Cudgel Str + 1B jacket 1 strength The club is a simple weapon.
Mace Str + 2B bulky coat 2 strength The mace usually has a studded head or is flanged.
Morning Star Str + 3B None 2 strength There is a difficulty modifier of (+1), injures the user on a botch.
War Hammer Str + 5B None 3 strength There is a difficulty modifier of (+1) and it requires two hands to use.

Knife Str + 1L pocket or vest 1 strength Knives vary greatly from the folding pocket variety to the kitchen tool we all know; difficulty modifier (-1).
Dagger Str + 2L coat / jacket 1 strength Daggers vary greatly in length and design, but are specifically designed for combat.
Short Sword Str + 3L trench coat 2 strength Technically, not so much a variety of blades as a description of length and the possibility of concealment.
Saber Str + 3L trench coat 2 strength This weapon covers a broad variety of curved and cavalry blades.
Broad Sword Str + 4L None 3 strength Typically a wider, heavier bladed sword, more for slashing than thrusting.
Long Sword Str + 4L None 3 strength This weapon is equally good at thrusting or slashing and there are many variations.
Bastard Sword Str + 5L None 4 strength, if one-handed 3 This weapon may be used one or two-handed.
Great Sword Str + 6L None 4 strength Difficulty modifier (+1) and it must be wielded with two hands.

Javelin strength L None 2 strength required
Pitchfork Str + 2L None 1 strength required wielded with 2 hands
Spear (one-handed) Str + 1L None 2 strength required Difficulty (+1)
Spear (two-handed) Str + 3L None 1 strength required Wielded with 2 hands.
Staff Str + 2B None 1 strength required
Poleaxe Str + 6L None 3 strength required Difficulty (+1) & 2 hands required.

Missile Weapon Damage Range Concealment Strength Requirement Reload
Bow (long) 4L 120m None 4 strength required. 1 Turn
Bow (short) 2L 60m Trench Coat 2 strength 1 Turn
Cross Bow (light) 2L 120m Trench Coat 2 strength 2 Turns
Cross Bow (medium) 3L 100m None 2 Strength 3 Turns
Cross Bow (heavy) 4L 150m None 4 Strength 4 Turns
Sling 5B 50m Pocket 1 Strength 1 Turn

Thrown Weapon Damage Range Concealment Strength Requirement Difficulty Modifiers
Knife Str L 15 meters Pocket 1 Strength (+1)
Hatchet Str +1L 20 meters Jacket 2 Strength (+1)
Javelin Str + 2L 50 meters None 2 Strength
Spear Str + 1L 40 meters None 2 Strength
Rock Str B 40 meters Pocket 2 Strength

Firearm Caliber Difficulty Damage Range Rate Rounds Conceal Cost
Zip Gun Varies 5 2-3L 5 meters 1 1 Pocket *
Pistol (tiny)
Derringer .38 5 4L 10 meters 2 2 Pocket / Sleeve / Vest ***
S&W-M640 .38 6 4L 10 meters 3 5 Pocket **
S&W-M686 .357M 6 5L 30 meters 2 6 Jacket