08/02/2012 Brian's Take

From The World Is A Vampire
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With some interesting setup I am planning on leaving Sofia for up to six weeks. I am telling the city that I am visiting some other Camrilla city's(which is true). I am also leaving so that my sibling will have a chance to work in the city to feel out factions that will be active without me there to watch them. I am about 4 years into my 10 year plan so I do not believe the city is ready for her yet but this will continue that work.

The flight to Dresden was normal, even though both Yan and I expected missile attack at any moment. Our landing and reception in Dresden was a surprise. I was treated to a almost medieval level of pomp, as a visiting Monarch. I understand that I am a visiting monarch but I was still raised in America where that type of thing has never really taken hold. I have studied European history and lived through some of it to understand the honor it is.

Turns out that the Prince of the city is on Torpor, and has been since WWII. My city misses me if I am gone more than a week, and he has been gone for 70 years....

The Seneschal has decided not to take the title but she is very much in control of the city. She cleared roads and controlled the airport, police and media to a degree that shows a large amount of control. I have not looked into those to see if it's hers or a underling, I don't really care too....

Yan and I were invested into a palace level building. This means I am trusting my safety to Yan's family members who know right where I will be. Both of us plan to put some extra protection on the chambers that are ours but secrecy has always been one of the biggest safe guards.

The next night I was given a grand reception by the seneschal and her childer. It would seem that I am being used as leverage to strengthen the seneschal's hold on the city. This affects me very little as long as I keep my stay in the city short. But I have every intention of backing Yan in what he would like to do with his siblings. This includes waking up the Prince from Torpor.

We have to be careful, the seneschal is Black Hand but my childer and some of hers may not be.

We have already had a problem that the countess refers to Yan as "cousin". We have considered several ways to combat this, again I am deferring to Yan on most things.

We have party's and tour scheduled....we will see.