Stacy Helmsworth

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London - Pax Britannica

Stacy helmsworth ink.jpg

Sobriquet: Alsamt Alalhi (Divine Silence). Lady Helmsworth

Appearance: A pretty blond woman in her early 20's.

Behavior: Stacy is very arrogant and proud. She does enjoy shocking the prudes of her age with various behaviours that are considered improper for a woman of her time. While very charming she enjoys being hedonistic and forthright. She uses her feminine beauty to trick others into playing her games.

History: Stacy Helmsworth is the daughter of aristocrats. She was raised in North London. While in a girls boarding school Stacy became friends with girls who were fascinated by magic and witch craft. Her friends and her formed a coven. As she graduated she went to a coming out ball and met Marc Alex David. He brought her into his group the Keepers of Harpocratis. She learned quickly and rose to become Alsamt Alalhi.

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