Wrath of Morrigan

From The World Is A Vampire
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Description: Morrigan was the ancient celtic goddess of war and battle, she was a spiteful creature and often wickedly punished those who displeased her. All to often she was either appeased or called upon to curse another and so that is what this ritual does. Its a curse endows the victim a malignant sixth sense about those he or she encounters, providing the victim with small but painful facts that will inevitably come out in conversation, making the victim a pariah in a matter of minutes. When the caster wants to cast this ritual, he calls upon Morrigan, saying what a coward or fool the victim is and then nicking his own tongue with a bronze knife and spits on the ground.

System: Intelligence + Rituals (each success is another person the victim can alienate) The caster must be able to see the victim and the ritual ends at the next dawn or if the victim sets foot on holy ground.