Wolf's Lament

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Discipline Techniques

Animalism 1, Obfuscate 2

The wolf's howl echoes across teh land, carrying messages in its mournful song. Nosferatu and Gangrel with this Discipline Technique may do the same, enabling them to howl messages that carry for miles. Even better, any wolf that hears the message relays the sound with its own howl. Such messages can theoretically carry for dozens or even hundreds of miles in this fashion, subject to the vagaries of chance.
Most individuals who hear the howl merely note its eerie tones and give it no further attention. Those with the Animalism power Feral Speech hear a voice in the keening. The content is brief and clipped, but it imparts emotional inflection and general intent. It can warn of danger, signal an attack or carry any other simple message.

System: Prior to using this Discipline, the player must convey his intended message to the Storyteller and receive approval. Generally, any message that can be conveyed in one breath is acceptable. The player then rolls Manipulation + Animal Ken (difficulty 6) as the vampire howls. The message carries a maximum distance determined by the success according to the following chart, although the Storyteller may restrict the range if she deems there are few wolves in the area. Failure means no wolves pick up the howl, either because they are not present or disregard the message. A botch invariably attracts unwanted attention, such as hunters or enraged Lupines.

1 Success: 5 miles
2 Successes: 10 miles
3 Successes: 50 miles
4 Successes: 100 miles
5 Successes: 250 miles

Experience Cost: 14