The Scouting Party

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Revision as of 21:48, 14 November 2021 by Bruce (talk | contribs) (Party Members)
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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair


Few within the Twilight Fair seems to recall the origins of the Scouting Party,
but the oral traditions of the Fair point to the last years of the 11th century as
a likely time for its formation. The years following the First Crusade were turbulent
ones whether traveling by land or sea, merchants and pilgrims were vulnerable to
rampant piracy and godless mercies of barbarian hordes.

Party Members

[[ |200px]] Mansa Sundiata -- Leader of the Scouting Party -- {A former

noble of the Mandinka people}

Shadowcaster Egon Nadragulya.jpg Aegon Nightshade -- Advanced Scout -- {Germanic Hungarian}