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“[The Romans] cannot stand hunger, thirst, cold, nor heat as we can."
"They require shade and shelter, bread and wine and oil, and lacking any of"
"these, they perish. For us though, any grass or root serves as bread, the juice"
"of any plant as oil, any water as wine, any tree as a house. The land is familiar"
"to us. It is our ally. But to them, it is unknown and hostile. We swim the rivers"
"naked, while they cannot cross them easily even with boats. Let us, therefore,"
"go against them trusting boldly to good fortune. Let us show that they are"
"hares and foxes trying to rule over dogs and wolves.”

— Boudica’s Prayer to Andarta, Cassius Dio’s Roman History

GOD -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GODDESS -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GOD -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GODDESS -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GOD -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GODDESS -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GOD -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]

GODDESS -- Title


Background: Usually 3 paragraphs

Provinces: Creator, Hunter, Liminal

Dominions: [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], [[]], & [[]]