Eldred Morce

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London - Pax Britannica -VAV- Ventrue

Toreador Eldred Morce.jpg

Sobriquet: Edward

Appearance: A beautiful, pale male. He has a shock of unruly red hair on his head, but was embraced smooth shaven, so he never is seen with a "5 O'clock shadow". Eldred's face is very thin with prominent cheek bones and pretty green eyes.

Behavior: Eldred is happy and friendly socially, though when he sees no reason to hide it he is sullen and petty. Eldred cultivates those who he perceives to be in power. Extremely handsome, slightly effete, he was encouraged early to be homosexual. While it is not popular, Eldred likes handsome men, and often can be seen in the company of his lovers. He loves making those who have low social standing the butt of his jokes.

History: Born the third son of a rich Scottish business man, Eldred was raised by nannies and tutors. One of his early tutors showed him the best way to have older men like him was to perform oral sex on them. Eldred excelled at this lessons, and at boarding school he became the strong leader of his own clique of upwardly mobile young men. They all had rich parents and knew the score in the halls of power. Eldred graduated acquired a position in Langkirks Banking house. Several of his friends did likewise in the Scottish banks. The group and began using their mutual knowledge to their benefit. All of them rapidly excelled, making "amazing" successful ventures, aiding each other to get rich. All the while Eldred moved in the circles of men who preferred other men, being a popular lover. In Edinborough he met a strongly masculine Kyle Strathcona, rich, charismatic, and fell deeply in love. Strathcona held him at arms length, and unaccustomed to being turned down, it only fed Eldreds desire. Unbeknown to Eldred, Strathcona had been looking for a new neonate. Strathcona researched the young man and liked what he saw. over the period of a month Strathcona blood bound him. Strathcona lured him in, and offered him eternity to gather power. Eldred leaped at the opportunity, thinking that it also would make him Strathcona's lover. Strathcona embraced him, but never bedded him. Eldred had barely been allowed out of Strathcona's shadow when the agreement came down to exchange hostages. Wanting Eldred useful but at a distance, Strathcona offered his neonate as a hostage in order to put him in London as a mole for information on Mithra's city. Eldred went, but has never forgiven his Sire for spurning his love. Eldred often sits and pines for his Sire, who for a while sent him draughts of his Sire's blood. After Strathcona turned Montreal over to the Sabbat, Eldred hasn't heard from him.

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