Karlene Dorothy Alexander

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House of Stern -HoS- Coalbrook Manor -HoS- Gallû

Gallu Karlene Dorothy Alexander.jpg

Sobriquet: Dorothy

Appearance: Dorothy died in her late seventies, she suffered from cancer that was slowly eating her up, and combined with her weight-loss and thinning hair she could barely be mistaken for the beautiful woman whose portrait graces the Stern' Hall of Ancestors. After she was bitten by Manfred, she struggled against the fever and death for almost a full day before succumbing toward twilight. During those last tortuous hours she broke her own back during a fit of convulsions and her screams echoed throughout the house until she bit out her own tongue. After she died her body began the transition to the Gallu state and were it not for the extreme efforts of the local mortician the wake would have featured a closed casket. Now

Dorothy's transmogrification has been fairly minor thus far: her skin is now bleached and moist, leprous looking. Before her death, Dorothy had only a few of her teeth left, but now a whole new set of teeth have come in designed for the ripping and tearing of flesh. The skin of her once beautiful face has retracted giving her a starved predatory look and the irises of her formerly blue eyes have completely dissolved leaving her with incredibly wide dark corneas and lenses adapted for hunting in near total darkness. She still wanders about in the black lace and silk dress she was buried in and smell like wet soil trails her wherever she goes.



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