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Tremen's Diary
Returning to the warehouse the next night brings me little joy. I am closer to the answer as to why my family was targeted. I will take my time, but I will never stop until I know why this happened. I will hunt whoever instigated my family being harmed to the ends of the earth.

I go to the basement to find my two prisoners. Seeing them tied up and thoroughly uncomfortable brings me much satisfaction. I feed them both some of my blood, then go upstairs to the office area. I think I will spend the next year blood bonding these two, and making their lives as miserable as possible. Because there is no punishment good enough for what they have put those kids through. I plan to put the money these men have earned through their evil to good use.

I will also take whatever money I can get out of the toys and junk in the warehouse to give to the orphanage where I dropped the children off at. As I can I will work to make things better for the orphanage. I will try to make friends and volunteer there to help out. I can make it a practice to hunt those who threaten the kids or cause the person running the orphanage problems.

I will get very close to Donald Werther. I plan to use him as a contact so that I can meet women, so that I have an easy place to get blood from. I have been on the run for far too long. It is time I find a way to hide out and get my feet under me. With a new face and some wealthy contacts, I can make my money and the money of the worthless Palladino boys work for me. I am also hoping it is unlikely to encounter those filthy chinks bastards there. I need to avoid the taint of yellow scum wherever possible, the slant eyed freaks just make me ill. Even the deaths of such monstrous examples of humanity bothers me, so it is just better if I have no contact with that filth.

The Palladino boys will make perfect slaves to work as front men for me in redesigning the warehouse for my haven. I can make them install some walk in refrigerators for the keeping of flesh and fresh produce. They can even help me procure flesh from the hospital without me having to go and get it. I will have them build me a place to sleep in the basement once I have them blood bound. After that I will have them increase the security of the building. I want more cameras, and motion detectors outside. One on each door, (even the one on the roof), with electronic pass locks on the outside gates.

After I get things lined out, then I will begin to have the Palladinos begin giving me information on those who are buying their films. Where I can, I will hunt those, and make them my pets. I will take great pleasure in ruining the lives of those who derive pleasure from the pain of kids. I don’t know if I can ever make up for the evil I have created simply by living each day, but where I can I will apply my talents to do so. So often I feel like the center of the whirlwind of pain and destruction, it is hard for me to see where I can help.

I will also work hard to blood bond the doctor in the morgue, and his assistant. They can be a valuable aid in procuring human flesh without killing. Once my coolers and kitchen are set up in the warehouse I will finally have a place to properly cook and plan. Perhaps I will even try to get on at the hospital as a doctor, and practice pathology there, watching for cases of the growths I have observed. I would like to know the cause and see if there is anything I can do about it. Such events don’t seem natural. Beautiful young women should not have rat babies growing in their breasts.

Using my new identity I will begin to see if I can find Jeana and Carrie. I will be very covert about it, taking no chances that Sheppard will know I am looking. If I could make it to Chicago and bring them back to me, I would. Perhaps that would be a good use for the Palladino boys skills. I would just have to forbid the Palladinos from harming the girls. I am not sure I can trust those two ravening dogs to not attack my girls if I am not there. I think about the girls often, and hope they are doing well. I have to get them away from that asshole Sheppard. I would love to bring them to New York so that I can have them here again. I don’t want their lives ruined because of their association with me.