Glass Knife

From The World Is A Vampire
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Glass Knife.jpg


Know Victims: The murder weapon of Germanicus in 9 A.D. and Mary Ann Nichols in 1888 A.D.

Known Powers
Scrying - The butt of the blade is a clear crystal orb, and on at least one occasion, Cercyon was able to peer through it at someone he was looking for.
Aggravated Dammage -- The blade of the Glass Knife is sharper than any steel and those wounded with it, find such wounds almost impossible to heal.
Final Death - While this might seem redundant, if the Glass Knife is plunged into a victim's heart, that individual is dead beyond all magic - including necromancy.
Teleportation - For lack of a better term. The blade has recently been seen to open a rift into a fleshy sub-dimension and that an identical slash can allow the blade wielder to exit somewhere else in the real world.