From The World Is A Vampire
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Dice Pool: None.

Cost: Spend 1 Divinity

Description: The Avatar stomps a foot or pounds a fist on the bare earth, and a thick cloud of particles of the substance rises into the air around him. This cloud swirls around him and accumulates on his body like a suit of plate armor plus helmet. Any earthen substance will suffice, from gravel to mud to sand.

The armor the coating of particles creates has a bashing and lethal Hardness and soak equal to half the Avatar’s Divinity (rounded up), as well as a mobility penalty equal to that of riot gear (see Scion: Hero, p. 204).

It lasts for the rest of the scene, at the end of which it shatters into a million pieces and falls at the Avatar’s feet. An Avatar with SCULPTOR (Earth •••) can craft the armor into a stylized shape, but only if the Avatar wearing the armor remains inactive long enough to allow it.