Umbraculavites' Barbs & Snares

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Snares represent a minor, but semi-permanent bond to the Pageant.
Barbs are several (5) snares bundled together which become a permanent, but theoretically removable bond to the Pageant.
Five Barbs+ = (Eternal Servitude to the Pageant or Consumption by (the Powers That Be)

Bonds of Ambition

Debt to Mauritanus Vedastus for creating for me the Vedastus Star Ring that allows me to move ahead of the Pageant through gateways. Mauritanus agreed to negotiate on my behalf with the Safnara af Myrkri (The Powers that Be) to consolidate my debt of 4 snares with the cost of the Star Ring for a total debt of 2 Barbs. (This negotiation took place 22 days after our transition from Erdach Kodesh to Vanaheim.)

Defunct Barbs

Bonds of Fear

Debt to {Theodoric} for making me a ghoul and taking me into his service for life. February of 1097 A.D. (the Pageant) = (1 Barb -) {Null and Void - On Blake's death and Salivius Ludovicus rebirth - February of 1097 A.D. within the Alexandrian Temple of the Decani Lord: Ereshkigal}

Bonds of Lust

Snares (4) -- Spending the night with Ernestine Liviana when I first joined the Pageant.