From The World Is A Vampire
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You do not need to be told what Death is. Whether they fear it, ignore it, or embrace it, all mortals live in the shad- ow of their mortality. Those with this Dominion hold sway both over the end of life and that which comes after death, wielding divine authority over corpses, funeral grounds, the undead, and underworlds.

Innate Powers

You can see and communicate with ghosts, shades, and other forms of the undead that are normally imperceptible or incomprehensible (the Storyteller should feel free to send plot hooks your way in the form of the dead seeking favors or aid). In addition, you can perceive entryways to the Underworld.


-- Final Fate Known
●● -- Curse of Bondage / Blessings of Release
●●● -- Recrudescence
●●●● -- Summon the Departed
●●●●● -- Touch of the Grave