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Avatar: The Godhead ~*~ Avatar ~ Character Sheet


MIGHT -- The Dominion of supernatural strength.
FINESSE -- A Dominion devoted to supernatural dexterity.
ENDURANCE -- Supernatural stamina is represented through this Dominion.
ALLURE -- This Dominion of supernatural appearance can seduce with but a look.
SUPREMACY -- A Dominion of supernatural manipulation allows an Avatar to turn people into hand puppets.
REVELATION -- The Dominion of Revelation governs all aspects of appearance. Its wielders can be supernaturally beautiful, monstrously ugly or simply unseen.
APPREHENSION -- Far more than just a Dominion of preternatural senses, this divine attribute allows an Avatar to see the unseen, perceive omens, flashes of the future or see into other realms.
GENIUS -- Beyond mortal intelligence, genius allows Avatars superior computational skill, exceptional creativity in diverse endeavors to such a degree that they can advance human civilization.
CORUSCATION -- The Dominion of supernatural wits, those Avatars who have invested in this divine attribute can think at the speed of light, reacting to perceived threats far faster than their brethren.