
From The World Is A Vampire
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Basics: Gallu are a freakish creature of unknown origin that share some aspects with vampires. They are undead, with no pumping blood and body temperature that only comes from the eating of warm flesh. They do not drink blood for nourishment however, they must feed on dead flesh to survive. Gallu can be found in all climes and latitudes.

Appearance: Gallu retain the basic features that it held in life. However, their facial features become elongated, and their teeth become double rowed razor points. Their eyes are full iris, and bright light is very debilitating to them. The ravages of dying and coming back to life makes them gaunt and waxy skinned, giving them a Appearance of 1.

Powers: Gallu gain a level 2 obfuscate upon creation. They also have a potence of 2. It is unknown what other powers they might gain with age. Gallu have the same damage ratio like vampires (blunt trauma half, aggravated damage requiring the expenditure of flesh points to heal), and can spend flesh points like blood to heal.

Abilities: Scores would be like those of a novice vampire.