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Godiva's Statistics


Sobriquet: Handmaiden

Appearance: Avelina is a petite porcelain doll who stands a mere five feet tall and couldn't weigh more than ninety pounds. It is clear from her open and youthful face that she was no more than sixteen when she was gifted with vampiric blood. Over two centuries have passed since that distant night and while she appears a young and helpless handmaiden, she is in reality an extremely old woman gifted with agelessness and an addiction to vampire blood. Her face was just losing its child fat and taking on the sensuality of womanhood when she became a ghoul and her dark brown eyes are filled with two centuries of knowledge. While not truly beautiful, she is devastatingly cute and if she wears the right clothes she can shed three or four years from her appearance to essentially become a child. Her milky skin is inviting to most men and many women and stems mostly from the nocturnal lifestyle of a ghoul. With such a pale complexion she is sometimes mistaken for a vampire and her creme complexion allows her to wear most anything. Like her eyes, her hair is dark brown with auburn highlights and when let loose it flows down her back to her buttocks. She has been the lady-in-waiting for so long that she seems demure and chaste and is either seen knitting, sewing, cleaning or praying. She wears no jewelry save for a simple golden cross which she wears as a necklace around her throat and smells of the flowers that are added to her bath water.

Behavior: Avelina is complex, while she is a demure and restrained handmaiden, she is also a centuries old woman who has seen some of history's most tumultuous events. She is extremely capable while seemingly helpless in her guise as a lady-in-waiting and she uses this dissonance to her advantage. Her domitor used her as a spy in the households of powerful noble women and so she has become extremely adept at fading into the scenery and observing everything while appearing to notice nothing. With strangers she plays the part of the vapid if pretty country girl recently brought into the service of an aristocratic household. Avelina has perfected the art of the fumble and blushes on command, equally she can manifest tears, embarrassment, innocence, ignorance and wide-eyed fear. Were it not for the Church's ban on female actors, she could dominate the theater as she is a phenomenal actress. Because of this and perhaps despite it, she is an unsatisfied soul, she has loved and been in love many times only to see the object of her affections wither and age or worse, question why she does not age and grow angry or resentful. All of Avelina's mortal relationships end badly and this has made her less inclined to open her heart for the certainty of eventual pain. In service to a remorseless addiction and a relentless domitor she plods ever forward through the centuries serving another's will and agenda without hope of ever creating something of lasting value like a career or devotees.


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