Road of Kings

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The Roads

The Road of Kings

Just as God ordained that kings should rule over men, by placing His mark upon Caine He ordained that Cainites were above the mortal herd, and that some also held the divine right to rule. The Scions, followers of the Road of Kings, believe that power and rulership are their inheritance, secured by strength of arms and skill at court. Just as the mortal nobility wars for control over land and wealth, so do the Scions war among themselves for control of Cainite domains, with lesser vampires and mortals arrayed like pieces on a chessboard.

But the Scions are not all war and glory. They are also concerned with rulership, and the first lesson an initiate of the road learns is that one must be able to rule over the Beast within before commanding the loyalty of any subject or vassal. In a world where one either rules or is ruled, the Scions learn to master the Beast, to command inferiors and to defer to betters, all while seeking to claim the destiny of power laid before them. They understand that all Cainites are empowered to rule - as all royal families are - but that only the strong, the swift, the cunning and the bold can seize a throne and hold it. Divine (or Damned) right can become manifest only through skillful action.

The Beast stands in the way of a Scion's destiny. It represents all the dark impulses that drag a ruler down and lead to rebellion and betrayal. But, carefully controlled, those same passions can raise a ruler up to greatness and give him the power to conquer his enemies and hold on to his throne. So the Beast must be controlled, and conquering the Beast is a necessary first step in conquering the world.

It's little wonder that the Road of Kings draws many of the High Clans to it, particularly the Lasombra, Tzimisce and Ventrue. Those who rise to the position of prince often do so by following this road. Although there are princes of the other roads as well, none have made rulership so much a part of their very being. And Scions often make the best rulers because they see their endeavor as larger than simply hoarding personal power - that is the domain of the Beast. A true king creates justice for his subjects and inspires loyalty in his vassals. And the only way to understand how to inspire loyalty is to have been loyal oneself, therefore, many Scions spend time as vassals and knights in other's service. Others serve as judges and magistrates, dispensing justice in the name of a lord whom they serve.

Because of their appreciation for feudal bonds, Scions have adopted the tradition of chivalry as their own, and Cainite lords sponsor orders of knighthood wherein initiates and adherents of the road can learn its ways and prove themselves worthy through their deeds. But chivalrous Cainites are proving a challenge to more traditional Scion lords. The lords claim that they are the ultimate source of law, whereas the knights look to a nebulous moral code, either drawn from mortal chivalrous tradition or said to be handed down by Caine.

Sobriquet: Scions



Noble Virtues: Conviction & Self-Control

Ethics of Kingship

  • There are only two roles in this world: that of master and that of servant.
  • You are superior to mortals, made to rule.
  • To master others, you must first master yourself and the Beast within.
  • Only those who seize power gain it; only those who use power keep it.
  • Your word is your bond. Without it, you are nothing.

Hierarchy of Sins against Kingship

10 Neglecting your duty. Those who fail in their responsibilities often lose them. 9 Treating a peer with disrespect. A leader earns respect by acting respectfully. 8 Treating an inferior as an equal. Everyone should know their place, including you. 7 Breaking your word to a peer. Trust is earned by being trustworthy. 6 Behaving shamefully before your peers. Honor and reputation are everything. 5 Showing weakness in front of inferiors. A leader must be strong. 4 Failing to answer a challenge to your honor. Honor must be maintained; challenges cannot go unanswered. 3 Treating a superior with disrespect. Superiors must be given the respect they are due. 2 Breaking your word to your superiors. Your word is your bond. If your word is worthless, then so are you. 1 Breaking a sworn oath. Oaths of fealty hold the world together.