Qlippothic Mind

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Mage Information -W&W- Nephandi -W&W- Qlippoth


Qlippothic Mind deals with disorientation, imbalance and insanity.

(1) - Warped Mind - One of the first things a student of the sphere learns is to gain insight from madness, how to twist his own thoughts around and gather power from the dark recesses of the mind. They become able to jumps of insight and vision, at the mere price of their sanity.
(2) - Emotional insecurity - The mage can affect the emotions and drives of another person, turning them against him or against each other. Love can turn into obsession, self confidence can break down into doubts and hidden fears brought to life. Neuroses can be created.
(3) - Disorientation - Consciousness and thought are quite unstable entities, and can easily be broken. He can derail trains of thought, induce hallucinations, force a victim into a coma or psychosis.
(4) - Break the Mind - The mind of a victim can be permanently warped into unrecognizable patterns.
(5) - Shatter the Mind - At this level, the mage not only can break away minds from their bodies, but also parts of the minds. Memory, cognition or thought can be removed or sent away to other places. Things from the Astral plane can be brought into reality.