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Castigate sigil.png

Name: Castigate
Guild: Pardoners
Status: Allowed
Marking(s): Black-tinted Fingers


Of all of the Arcanoi, Castigate is arguably the most welcomed in the Shadowlands. Pardoners have a rare gift: the abilities to soothe an otherwise unruly Shadow, to scare Spectres away, and to take on Oblivion in general. Pardoners can even communicate effectively and calm their own Shadows to a degree. It usually comes at a great cost to the user, however; Pardoners are particularly prone to gathering Angst from their constant contact with darkness. Those who use Castigate foolishly do not last long as a wraith.

The actual use of Castigate is highly personal to each Pardoner. Many favor a method called the Devil’s Dialectic, where a conversation of sorts is held with a Shadow, while using the target’s Nature to strengthen their resolve and lessen the Shadow’s effect. Others may use rituals such as meditation, purification, songs and chants, physical abuse, or other less orthodox methods to reach a Shadow and quiet its destructive cry.

Failed uses of Castigate are extremely hazardous to a Pardoner; it strengthens the resolve of their own Shadow, or perhaps the Shadow of those they are trying to help. In many of these cases, they must start their efforts over from scratch.