Paradigm Shift

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Rotes by Craft / Tradition -M20 - Ostanes' Statistics

Description: This is a rough draft. This rote temporarily shifts the prevailing paradigm along the axis of time, either backwards or forwards. The rote works in a small area, no larger than a ballroom. The effect can last no more than a scene and requires the magician prepare the audience with a speech or other form of expression that that inspires those listening to imagine and empathize with a previous or potentially future incarnation of their community. If the magician is successful in convincing his audience with an appropriate act of expression, he moves to use the spheres of Correspondence, Mind and Time to temporarily alter the prevailing paradigm in his current location to fit his audience's recent inspiration.

For the remainder of the rote's effect, the paradigm reverts or progresses to another paradigm favorable to the magician. This rote lessens the magician's difficulties in using magick and increases the difficulties of those magicians whose paradigm conflicts with the will of the recently inspired masses. What is more, while the rote is in effect, the magician is less likely to incur paradox, while those magicians of a different paradigm are more likely to gain paradox. While humanity can be temporarily inspired by acts of art, expression, and performance to adopt a different view of the universe, mankind is frighteningly fickle and will return to the status quo in short order.

Origin: Ostanes




Spheres: (•• Correspondence, •• Mind, •• Prime)



Source Material:
