Magic Jar

From The World Is A Vampire
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The Morgan Collection

This ritual is designed to capture the soul of a marked individual upon their death.

System: The caster brands or cuts a symbol representing ownership of the subject into their flesh. This symbol need not be readily visible and can be healed as would a wound of the appropriate type. From the moment of the branding, the subject and caster know that from that point on, the soul of the recipient will come to and become the property of the caster upon their death. The captured soul must be contained within a specimen of the branded persons birth stone and the receptacle birthstone needs to have the sigil of the caster cut or carved upon it in order to maintain mastery of the contained soul. What the soul can be used for or released to accomplish is left up to the imagination of the player and Story Teller. The soul of the subject is the same as that during life, i.e. human, vampire, werewolf, mage, changeling etc. This ritual captures the soul the instant before final death. The ownership of the soul can be forcibly ended if the caster is slain by the subject or if the soul receptacle is completely crushed and destroyed into fine dust.