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St.Calenda's Wandering Pageant, Odeum & Lunar Fair --Midnight Circus-- Bubasti

Bubasti Bekhet.jpg

Sobriquet: Lady Beckett because using a European name makes the western peoples feel more at ease in her presence when they seek her advice.

Appearance: Bekhet is a true Egyptian beauty. She appears to be a woman of no more than twenty-five years of age. But her dark, almond shaped eyes tell a story hundreds of years in the making. She stands just five feet tall and weights no more than one-hundred pounds soaking wet. Her long dark hair hangs well below her waist and she has tan athletic body. She wears mostly semi-sheer silk dresses in darker colors and embroidered with thread of gold. She wears a wide assortment of jewelry and smells of lotus flower perfume.

Behavior: Bekhet is coyly decorous, but intensely seductive.

History: Bekhet was born the daughter of a priestess of Bast in the city of Bubastis in 550 B.C. Raised within the Temple of Bastet itself, she learned the sacred mysteries at the feet of her mother the high-priestess. After the blossoming of her womanhood, she came to hold the title of a priestess of the goddess and learned the she and those of her family before her bore the blood of Bastet in their veins. In time, she would, no doubt have become high-priestess herself, save for the invasion of Bubastis by the armies of Cambyses II, emperor of the Achaemenid Empire. While the loyal soldiers of the last true pharaoh, Ankhkaenre (Psamtik III), fought valiantly to save the city of Bast, in the end it fell to rapine and pillage. Bekhet however was no mere mortal woman and along with a few others, escaped through the Nile Delta to the city of Naukratis. There seeking a means enter Wadi Natrun and the Western Desert, she encountered the dwarf calling himself Bes.

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