Ullmhacht Litrithe Cath Treoraí ar

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Brian's Thaumaturgy Spell Book

Name: Ullmhacht Litrithe Cath Treoraí ar (Battle Mage's Spell Readiness)

Description: In a world of supernatural speed a Magus can be out gunned. As with all rituals the solution is being ready for the situation. Using the matrix from Suspension of Incantation the Magus stores combat magic. When released it it available to the Magus to use the energy stored at their direction. In a very classic hermetic way the power of ones combat magics are stored in a piece of jewelry. In this case it is designed around a powerful geomantic shape. The caster can then use his magic at full power even in a fight at super natural speeds.

Origin : Brian O'Reilly / Sorka

Casting: Caster takes a piece of well made jewelry with 3 or more gem stone of good quality. The piece of jewelry must be a geomantic shape. Smallest being a triangle that holds three stones. Caster makes a clean ritual space. Caster goes through ritual cleansing on both themselves and jewelry item. Each Path to be stored is cast with a gem as the target and is absorbed into one of the gems. After all spells have been cast the Caster sets each of the gems into each point of the shape then chants asking the elements for strength to bind the spells until called. Each gem is set with the casters will.

System: Roll Int + Rituals casting take 7 hours minus 1 hour for each success on the ritual. Ritual can store one casting per gem. Each casting will attach to one of the gems. A willpower point is spent to set each gem as a permanent item. To recharge the gems requires a willpower point per gem when done after the initial casting. All the casting's can be used as a free action up to the casters wits rating. If the effect requires targeting they will need to use a dice pool to target(up to ST). No dice pool is needed to target the caster, something(or someone) the caster is holding or a general area(up to ST)
