Blood of Cerberus

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Main Page -x- Level One Rituals -x- Level Two Rituals

Description: This ritual supernaturally marks a person or object with a bit of a sacrificial animal’s blood and spirit, permitting the caster to track the subject's current whereabouts, even beyond death.

Origin: Benesj the Black

Ingredients: A sacrificial animal.

Casting: The caster calls upon one of the chthonic gods and offers the animal sacrifice in return for the power to track a specific target; then the caster slits the animal’s throat and drains its blood into a container and seals it with human tallow. When he wants to mark a target, all he needs to do is pour the animal’s blood on the object or smear it upon that person and invoke the appropriate deity.

Origin: Benesj the Black

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals at a difficulty of 4. The caster must sacrifice a living animal, using its blood to physically mark a target person or object; although, if the necromancer has the level 5 ritual ‘Simulacrum’ he may utilize it instead. Thereafter the caster gains a mystical connection to the target through the body of the sacrificial animal, and knows the relative position of the blood marked target at all times. This in not so much knowledge of a target precise location as it is an understanding of its direction and distance from the caster. This ritual takes five minutes to cast. This ritual has no time limitations, but it does lose its effectiveness after the target has washed a number of times equal to the caster’s successes. After the first washing, the Blood of Cerberus is not visible to the naked eye, but may be discernible by those with sorcerous skill or by Wraiths.

Reference: A parallel ritual would be “Knowing Stone”, a level one ritual of Voudoun Necromancy, found on pg.111 of Blood Magic – Secrets of Thaumaturgy.