The Carrion Fly Delayed

From The World Is A Vampire
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Level 1.

History: It is unknown, who precisely, created this ritual, but it has been attributed to Meerlinda. The advent of refrigeration makes this ritual a relic of the past.

Description: This ritual allows for the preservation of body parts from living (or unliving) beings so that they can be used in rituals demanding fresh fleshy components long after they have been hewn from their original owners. The caster must make a series of incantations before vivisecting the living victim. He conducts the vivisection and then passes the desired parts through smoke from a censer burning alchemical salts.

Creative vampires may devise other uses for the ritual. For example, it is more disheartening to the kin of one's enemy to drop a fresh-looking head in his lap than to deliver a mere skull. It is also useful in the formation of alibis; by the time discoverers find a body treated in this way, the caster may have traveled many leagues away, leaving a corpse that looks fresh-killed. This ritual can also preserver blood for later consumption.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals at a difficulty of four (4). A simple success preserves five blood points or 100 pounds of meat from a single specimen for up to a week. Players can spend additional successes to extend the preservation time (one week per success) or the amount preserved (5 blood points / 100 pounds of meat per success).