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The Seelie Court is one of the courts who historically ruled the fae, and which still exists among modern Kithain. All Changelings (save the Thallain) have Seelie and Unseelie aspects, expressed in their Legacies, but each individual is ruled by one and embraces the way of life of the corresponding Court.

While often characterized by outsiders and even inexperienced kithain as the "good" court, the Seelie Court is really defined by the virtues of honor and love. While this would seem to fit in with notions of "good", knightly chivalry may conflict with the morals of the modern world and the fae idea of courtly love is sometimes much removed from the reality faced by mortals. In many ways, the Seelie Code is rooted in martial traditions and the mostly forgotten dreams of the medieval world.

Before the Shattering, the Seelie Court ruled from Beltane to Samhain, through the Spring and Summer. The tradition of changing rule between the Courts ended during the Interregnum, and since the Resurgence the Seelie have held power in most parts of the world. This is likely in part because the Seelie have generally had better relations with mortals than the Unseelie, and with the gates to Arcadia closed, mortal relations are more important than ever.

The Seelie Code

  • Death before dishonor.
  • Love conquers all.
  • Beauty is life.
  • Never forget a debt.