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Every Vampire character has Attributes. They represent the basic potential of every person in the world, as well as most other living (and unliving) things. Most people have Attribute ratings between 1 (poor) and 3 (good), though exceptionally gifted individuals may have ratings of 4 (excellent) or even 5 (peak human capacity). Some vampire elders have higher ratings still, while other Kindred, like the hideously ugly Nosferatu, may have ratings supernaturally lower than the human minimum.


Some characters are especially good at particular applications of their Traits. For example, a mechanic might be particularly good with muscle cars, a thief might excel at breaking and entering, or a brawler might be infamous as a dirty fighter. To represent this, characters with ratings of 4 or higher in Attributes or Abilities may choose specialties for those Traits. A specialty is a particular subcategory of an Attribute or Ability — thus, a character with a Strength 5 might choose to be especially adept in deadlifting, while a character with Performance 4 might be renowned for her singing. Whenever a player makes a die roll involving an activity in which her character has specialized, she may count any die that comes up “10” as two successes instead of just one.


Physical Attributes define the condition of a character’s body. They indicate how strong, agile, and resilient a character is. Physical Attributes should be taken as the primary category for an action-oriented character. Vampires may use ingested blood to supernaturally augment their Physical (and only their Physical) Attributes.


Strength is the raw, brute power of a character. It governs how much weight a character can lift, how much he can physically push, and how hard he can hit another character or object. The Strength Trait is added to a character’s damage dice pool when he hits his opponent in hand-to-hand combat. It is also used when a character wishes to break, lift, or carry something, as well as when a character tries to jump a distance.
• Poor: You can lift 40 lbs (about 20 kgs).
•• Average: You can lift 100 lbs (close to 50 kgs).
••• Good: You can lift 250 lbs (a little over 100 kgs).
•••• Exceptional: You can lift 400 lbs (close to 200 kgs).
••••• Outstanding: You can lift 650 lbs (nearly 300 kgs) and crush skulls like grapes.
Specialties: Never Lets Go, Powerful Arms, Reserves of Strength, Vicious.


The Dexterity Attribute measures a character’s general physical prowess. It encompasses the character’s speed, agility, and overall quickness, as well as indicating the character’s ability to manipulate objects with control and precision. Also included under Dexterity’s heading are hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and bodily grace.
• Poor: You are clumsy and awkward. Put that gun down before you hurt yourself.
•• Average: You’re no clod, but you’re no ballerina, either.
••• Good: You possess some degree of athletic potential.
•••• Exceptional: You could be an acrobat if you wished.
••••• Outstanding: Your movements are liquid and hypnotic — almost superhuman.
Specialties: Precise, Swift, Feline Grace, Lightning Reflexes.