Angelique Cormier

From The World Is A Vampire
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Appearance: Cormier is short and slender, with a hint of Native American to her features. She has long, raven-black hair, and she's fond of silver jewelry. A business student at the time of her Embrace, Angelique tends toward business suits and conservative hairstyles.

Behavior: Never mind the political implications of the Camarilla taking Quebec; you want to go home again. On most matters you're easygoing, if a little cynical, but your crusade is, well, a crusade. Deep down you feel some responsibility for Rodiery's destruction, and you're determined that his death not be in vain. Success is the only way to ensure that....

History: A native Quebecois who attended Queens University in the early 1950s, Cormier was Embraced by a visiting (and more than a little drunk) Brujah from Calgary. Derek Rothery was enough of a gentleman, once his lifethreatening hangover subsided, to remain in Kingston long enough to indoctrinate Angelique fully into the ways of the Kindred, and the two formed a bond that was more than platonic friendship if less than romantic. However, Rothery also had explain to Cormier why she could never return to Quebec, which she flat-out refused to accept. Since then, she's devoted the bulk of her unlife to lobbying the Camarilla to take Quebec; when she's not in Kingston she's roaming the continent trying to drum up support for her crusade. In 1995, Rothery was caught and destroyed while trying to infiltrate the town of Van Kleek Hill, just across the border from Ontario. Cormier sees him as a martyr to her cause, and has redoubled her efforts since her sire's demise.

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