Shug Dunsirn

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Giovanni -x- Sizwe Ghiberti -x- Venice -x- Beirut

Giovanni Shug Dunscirn.jpg

Sobriquet: The Voice (as in the voice of reason - respectful). Salt, a reference to his partnership with Sizwe Ghiberti (rude).

Appearance: Shug is a skinner little man. If he stood up straight, he would stand about five-foot-five inches tall. He leans forward in a persistent slouch and ducks his head, both of which are now centuries deep bad habits. Shug came to the proxy kiss and the Embrace later in life. His unkempt ginger hair is heavily shot with gray and still shows the signs of his last haircut in in the later seventeenth century, for it appears as if a bowl was applied to his head (which it was) and all hair that stuck out beneath trimmed away, but not with any real skill or enthusiasm.


History: They say that it is lucky to be the seventh son of a seventh son, they lied.

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